Wednesday, January 15, 2003

very very very excited today - new harry potter is due out on 6/21/03. Not in time for my birthday, but a late present never hurts. The 3 rail quilt top is now done and sewed together, but still not quilted - that will have to wait a bit until work is not so crazy. Its been very busy lately. I hope the W2s are ready soon - josh and I are waiting on the paperwork to start the next big adventure - house hunting. But no looking until (and hopefully if) we get preapproved - I really want to avoid having my heart set on a house we can't afford. So, the countdown is to 1/31/03 when the W2s are due in (at the latest) . . . ahhhhh, its like waiting for the bar results all over again! Oh - in case you are a dog (or cat) owner - costco is now carrying the pet nuzzler - a furry little fleece bed. Its the same as the ones you can get at PetSmart or PetCo, just a lot cheaper. OUr little princess is not entirely convinced of the wonders of the pet nuzzler yet, but a few more strategically placed treats should woo her over.

Sunday, January 12, 2003

Yesterday, I took my 3rd quilting class thru PCC (a local community college here - The teacher, Lynne Johnson, once again rocked. This time we learned how to do the 3-rail fence pattern. (She previously taught a nine-patch and a log cabin class - I can't wait for the sawtooth star block class!) Feeling adventurous, I decided to do my quilt on point. Right now, I am at the sewing the long strips together stage, so we'll see how well those corners line up. We'll be trying to get a picture up soon, but its sort of a salmony-pink color theme and rather girlish, so if the corners don't work I might sew some of those charming little fabric rosebuds on the corners. I haven't decided yet on the quilting, I want to go for a more romantic feel rather than geometrical. We'll see!