My hubby is wonderful- he's working on getting us a real website with pictures and everything - love you babe!
Friday, February 07, 2003
Monday, February 03, 2003
Here's the link: Funagain Games. If I knew how, I'd flame myself for forgetting to put in the actual link. Here's hoping this works!
Adding links to blogs 101
All right, now here's a try at putting a link in a post. Per, its (vbracket)a href="websiteaddress"(vbracket)TITLE(vbracket)a/(vbracket). (I am putting the html code in the blog so I can look itup quickly, along with the headline html code: (vbracket)h3(vbracket) HEADLINE (vbracket)/h3(vbracket). Vbracket stands for < and >
This is a great website for games of all kinds. So far, we've loved the bean game, Flux and Rage, Plague & Pestilence all come from here: . Thanks Chrissie for telling us about the site - we need to have a hearts tournament soon! Josh's friend from work Heather had one a couple of weekends a go and it was a blast.
Well, just figured out how to update some stuff on the old web page - thanks Josh and Greg - you are my html gods right now. . . hmm the possibilities are endless now, I can link to the world . . . . (insert Dr. Evil laugh here MWAHAHAHAHA) Okay - back to adding cool links. I am going with something I read on one of my favorite sites that linking to another's site is a honor/compliment and I figure the traffic thru here is light enough so as to not be likely to cause a problem! blog on!
Sunday, February 02, 2003
Noticed some spelling errors in the last post - we'll have to figure out an easier way to type all this up. Obviously the link post didn't work, but we’ll keep trying. This weekend has been a bit busy. We finally redid the bedroom and it finally looks not-so-college-dormy. All that is left is to finish off the bedspread and I think it came together quite nicely. Sorry there are no pictures – we have them for when we get that part of the website figured out. Josh and I may have to take another trip to Tahiti to see if the Tahitian theme is true to form. I also made some valentines with Chrissie and her mom, JT so we'll see if I remember to send them in time for the holiday. Boo hiss - Seattle beat the Winterhawks last night, but at least the West beat the East in the NHL all-star game. Now unfortunately, its off to work . . . somehow, I just don't think too much will be getting done as I am not at all motivated. I really hope I do not have to drive up to Kitsap County tomorrow - Washington state courts have really got to get a better system of administration for administrative review at the Superior Court level - even Multnomah county with all the budget cuts isn't as bad!! Oh well, I will try and keep in mind that I need the job so we can start house-hunting. Tomorrow the pre-approval application goes in. Here's hoping to a less hectic week at work for everyone and a fast & successful preapproval process!
Also, Chrissie reminded me of the great no-shipping stamp site: Some awesome eyelets and accessories – all shipping free. I’ll have to wait to next paycheck to check it out some.
Also, Chrissie reminded me of the great no-shipping stamp site: Some awesome eyelets and accessories – all shipping free. I’ll have to wait to next paycheck to check it out some.