Saturday, February 15, 2003

A great Valentine's Day

Thanks to my wonderful husband, it was a great V-day this year. He sent me the most diverse and lovely bouquet - it has orange roses (my favorite), a white, yellow and pink rose (one of each), star gazer lillies, gerber daisies, tiger lillies - and a very cool purple flower. Josh thinks its some sort of rose - I'm not sure what it is, but its very pretty. (I'll post a picture on our main website, or more correctly, Josh will later.) He also gave me Yanni's newest CD (stop your laughing) - the concert is only about 2+ months away now!!! We went to "The Prime Rib" for dinner - although they have the screwy-ist seating system I can think of, we got seated and had an awesome dinner. I think we're still digesting it! Its a bit, well old school and a vegetarian's nightmare - but the prime rib is incredible. They don't have a web site, but they are sort of a Portland institution. The resturant is in a psuedo-castle/dinner building without windows and always about 85 degrees (there's a fireplace). There are no windows, so you loose track of time when you are there which doesn't matter since a meal takes about 2 hours for all the courses (at least they give you time to try and digest before the tableside carving cart comes by with the main dish). They also have a great house dressing - blue cheese with horseradish! A lovely day with my sweetheart!!

Well, tomorrow is the big day - we meet with the realtor. We checked out the outside of house MLS No. 329530 (# 2 on our web page) and it looks awesome from what we could see. The yard is huge, and there's a great sunroom. I think we are both sort of hoping we dislike the inside (if we don't get to see it tomorrow, we might go mad) and its hard not to get too excited. (It has a red door!!! It must be a sign). Oh well, if it is not the one then we'll keep looking to we find the one! Keep your fingers crossed and checking back for more pictures since we're taking the camera with us.

Sunday, February 09, 2003

Cool site for all you Dr. Evil fans:

Dr. Evil soundbites NOTE: takes a bit to load, but worth it!

Check it out - but beware, the other pages on this site are not suitable for viewing (Josh figured that out!) Had a nice weekend with no work - will be hell tomorrow, but oh well - it was worth it given the weather which was awesome. The crocuses have all bloomed and we even have one little daffodil that has poked through. Josh has done a wonderful job on the garden/patio areas - all the rose buses have buds and so does the hydrangea!! Hopefully, we'll be planting that in the ground soon - Josh is talking to the mortgage broker tomorrow. (WAMU sucks for customer service)

Discovered another most cute thing in the world Melo does - she likes to snuggle up between Josh and I some time in the night, so that when I wake up in the morning, I have a wet little doggie nose in my eye. Turns out, she's under the covers, head on the pillow, fast asleep curled up in Josh's arm - little interloper. If she wasn't so dang cute, I'd have to boot her out of the bed. But, seeing as she is the cutest thing, I resign myself to getting little puppy kisses and snuggling with them both!

I am almost done the quilt top for someone secret's b-day gift. The hard part will be quilting it, but Chrissie has a relative with a friend who does just that sort of thing so it may be problem solved. I like making the quilt top so much more than the quilting and binding part. I think I will go finish that up now!